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Preparing for Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training

I am starting to reread “Walking a Sacred Path – Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Sacred Practise” by Lauren Artress – in preparation for my Veriditas labyrinth facilitator training in early May!   I have only read the Preface so far - but found it really interesting to read about the meaning of the name.

The name “Veriditas” (the name of the Worldwide Labyrinth Project that Lauren founded) – comes from the 12th century mystic Hildegard of Bingen! It means “Greening Power”. The mission for the first stage of Veriditas was to “pepper the planet with labyrinths” – and that is exactly what the work has done.

The Carleton Place Community Labyrinth is proud to be part of the movement that is helping the green the planet
with labyrinths! 
sho fia

sho fia

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